This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to R/tidyverse for Exploratory Data Analysis: Instructor Notes

(Hugo’s notes)

My idea is to have two objectives going in parallel:

In that sense, R is being taught as a tool for data analysis. I would not aim to teach programming, thus the choice of focusing on tidyverse (although this choice is somewhat debatable, we could just as easily have chosen data.table or even base R).

I’m hoping that eventually the materials are rooted in a higher-level conceptual framework, inspired by:

Session 1:

This session is about getting started with working with data in R + RStudio:

Session 2:

This session is all about the visual display of information:

Session 3:

This session is about starting to manipulate tables and cleaning up data:

Session 4:

This session is about subseting data based on specific questions or conditions:

Session 5:

This session is about working on sub-groups of data:

Session 6:

This session is about combining different datasets together and how to modify the “shape” of our data: