This document is aimed at beggining R users that start by learning “tidyverse” functions. It shows how some of the tasks done with “tidyverse” functions have a corresponding solution using “base R” syntax (using functions that are part of the core packages deployed with R).

It is important to understand that there are many different ways to achieve the same thing, particularly in base R. I have tried to use simpler syntax where possible. For the more complicated cases, I have based my solutions on top hits from web searches.

It is also worth remembering that when you look for help online, you might find solutions using “base R” syntax. If you are used to “tidyverse” packages, it will help to add keywords such as “dplyr” and “tidyverse” to your search.

There are many other resources available online, in particular several cheatsheets that might be useful as a reference:


Load the packages needed for these examples:


The datasets used in these examples come pre-loaded with R. To find more about them check their help pages:


Extract variables (columns)


select(iris, Species, Petal.Width) # by name
select(iris, 5, 4)  # by column index

base R

iris[, c("Species", "Petal.Width")] # by name
iris[, c(5, 4)]  # by column index

Make new variables (columns)


       Petal.Ratio = Petal.Length/Petal.Width,
       Sepal.Ratio = Sepal.Length/Sepal.Width)

base R

iris$Petal.Ratio <- iris$Petal.Length/iris$Petal.Width
iris$Sepal.Ratio <- iris$Sepal.Length/iris$Sepal.Width

Extract observations (rows)


filter(iris, Petal.Width > 0.5 & Species == "setosa")

base R

# Using [,]
iris[iris$Petal.Width > 0.5 & iris$Species == "setosa", ]

# Using subset (works very much like dplyr::filter)
subset(iris, Petal.Width > 0.5 & Species == "setosa")

Arrange observations (rows)


# descending order of species (alphabetic) followed by ascending order of Petal.Width
arrange(iris, desc(Species), Petal.Width) 

base R

# descending order of species (alphabetic) followed by ascending order of Petal.Width
iris[order(rev(iris$Species), iris$Petal.Width) , ]

Summarise observations (rows)


# Generic way
          Petal.Length.mean = mean(Petal.Length),
 = sd(Petal.Length),
          Sepal.Length.mean = mean(Sepal.Length),
 = sd(Sepal.Length))

# Shortcut when same functions applied to same variables 
             .vars = c("Petal.Length", "Sepal.Length"), 
             .funs = c("mean", "sd"))

(see also variants summarise_all() and summarise_if())

base R

There are many ways to do this with base R, here’s a couple of possibilities:

# Manually create a data.frame
data.frame(Petal.Length.mean = mean(iris$Petal.Length),
  = sd(iris$Petal.Length),
           Sepal.Length.mean = mean(iris$Sepal.Length),
  = sd(iris$Sepal.Length))

# Use the "aggregate" function
## Column names might have to be changed afterwards
aggregate(formula = c(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length) ~ 1,
          data = iris, 
          FUN = function(x) c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x)))

Combine tables

Consider the following tables

## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   name  band   
##   <chr> <chr>  
## 1 Mick  Stones 
## 2 John  Beatles
## 3 Paul  Beatles
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   name  plays 
##   <chr> <chr> 
## 1 John  guitar
## 2 Paul  bass  
## 3 Keith guitar
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   artist plays 
##   <chr>  <chr> 
## 1 John   guitar
## 2 Paul   bass  
## 3 Keith  guitar


# Retain rows with matches in both tables
inner_join(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name")  

# Retain all rows:
full_join(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name")  

# Retain all rows from first table:
left_join(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name")  

# Retain all rows from second table:
right_join(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name")  

Columns used for merging can have different names between tables:

inner_join(band_members, band_instruments2, by = c("name" = "artist"))

base R

# Retain rows with matches in both tables
merge(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name")  

# Retain all rows:
merge(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name", all = TRUE)  

# Retain all rows from first table:
merge(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name", all.x = TRUE)  

# Retain all rows from second table:
merge(band_members, band_instruments, by = "name", all.y = TRUE)  

Columns used for merging can have different names between tables:

merge(band_members, band_instruments2, by.x = "name", by.y = "artist")

Grouped operations

Important note: with dplyr, grouped operations are initiated with the function group_by(). It is a good habit to use ungroup() at the end of a series of grouped operations, otherwise the groupings will be carried in downstream analysis, which is not always desirable. In the examples below we follow this convention.

Note on base R: with base R there are several ways to do these types of operations. Here we show a generic “split-apply-combine” solution using the by() function. These solutions require some understanding of list objects and how to write custom functions.

Summarise rows within groups


mtcars %>% 
  group_by(cyl, gear) %>% 
  summarise(mpg.mean = mean(mpg),
   = sd(mpg),
            wt.mean = mean(wt),
   = sd(wt)) %>% 
  ungroup() # remove any groupings from downstream analysis

base R

# First operate in the data.frame by group (split-apply)
mtcars_by <- by(mtcars, 
   INDICES = list(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$gear),
   FUN = function(x){
     data.frame(cyl = unique(x$cyl),
                gear = unique(x$gear),
                mpg.mean = mean(x$mpg),
       = sd(x$mpg),
                wt.mean = mean(x$wt),
       = sd(x$wt))

# Then combine the results into a data.frame, mtcars_by)

Alternative solution:

# Using aggregate
aggregate(formula = cbind(mpg, wt) ~ cyl + gear, 
          data = mtcars, 
          FUN = function(x){
            c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))

Create new columns with calculations done within groups

For example, center the measurements of “Petal.Width” by subtracting the mean within species.


iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  mutate(Petal.Width.centered = Petal.Width - mean(Petal.Width)) %>% 
  ungroup() # remove any groupings from downstream analysis

base R

# First operate in the data.frame by group (split-apply)
iris_by <- by(iris, 
              INDICES = iris$Species, 
              FUN = function(x){
                x$Petal.Width.centered <- x$Petal.Width - mean(x$Petal.Width)

# Then combine the results into a data.frame, iris_by)

Alternative solution:

iris$Petal.Width.centered <- ave(iris$Petal.Width, iris$Species, FUN = function(x) x - mean(x))

Filter rows with conditions evaluated within groups

iris flowers with maximum “Petal.Width” for each “Species”.


iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  filter(Petal.Width == max(Petal.Width))

base R

# First operate in the data.frame by group (split-apply)
widest_petals <- by(iris, 
                    INDICES = iris$Species, 
                    FUN = function(x){
                      x[x$Petal.Width == max(x$Petal.Width), ] 

# Then combine the results into a data.frame, widest_petals)

Reshaping data

to “long” format


gather(iris, key = "trait", value = "measurement", Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)

base R

I couldn’t find an easy way to do this in a clean way, although reshape() gets us close (but the “trait” variable is coded numerically):

        varying = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"),
        timevar = "trait",
        idvar = "id",
        v.names = "measurement",
        direction = "long")

There is also stack(), but we loose the “Species” column in the process.

stack(iris, select = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"))

to “wide” format


spread(Indometh, key = "time", value = "conc")

Note that in this case it might have been better to first modify the “key” column so that the resulting column names are not numeric:

Indometh %>% 
  mutate(time = paste("conc", time, sep = "_")) %>% 
  spread(key = "time", value = "conc")

base R

        v.names = "conc",
        idvar = "Subject",
        timevar = "time",
        direction = "wide")